Agricultural Tyres

Agricultural Tyres


FLR335 is the ideal radial tyre designed to get optimum performance in both garden lands and Highway application. The wide thick rubbers promises maximum mileage in both surfaces. The non directional lugs ensure proper load distribution through out the tyre. The strong casings and steel belt version gives the reliability and extended life.


Salient Features




Thicker central tread

Wider contact patch at the base

Better stability and mileage

Non-directional lugs

Even load distribution

 Extended life/ durability

Strong casing

 Suitable to carry heavy load applications

Higher reliability at difficult operations






Technical Data

Size TYPE Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded dimension Loaded Static Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index Inflation Prassure Recommended load, kg 
Speed, km/h   
mm mm mm mm Speed bar Static 10 25 40 50 65 70
560/45R22.5 TL AG 16.00   555 1078 495 3224 153D/150E 0.8 2686 2102 1845 1588 1413 1168 1072
1.2 3442 2694 2364 2035 1811 1497 1374
1.6 4281 3351 2941 2532 2252 1862 1709
2 4869 3811 3345 2879 2562 2117 1943
2.4 5625 4402 3864 3326 2959 2446 2245
2.8 6380 4993 4383 3773 3357 2774 2546
3.2 6968 5453 4787 4120 3666 3030 2781
3.6 7639 5979 5248 4517 4019 3322 3049
4 8395 6570 5767 4964 4417 3650 3350
Size TYPE Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded dimension Loaded Static Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index Inflation Prassure Recommended load, kg 
Speed, km/h   
mm mm mm mm Speed bar Static 10 25 40 50 65 70
560/60R22.5 TL AG 16.00   555 1244 563 3721 165D/162E 0.8 3435 2688 2360 2031 1807 1494 1378
1.2 4383 3430 3011 2591 2306 1906 1758
1.6 5330 4172 3662 3152 2804 2318 2138
2 6041 4728 4150 3572 3178 2627 2423
2.4 6989 5469 4801 4132 3677 3039 2803
2.8 7936 6211 5452 4693 4175 3451 3183
3.2 8765 6860 6021 5183 4611 3811 3515
3.6 9594 7509 6591 5673 5048 4172 3848
4.0 10542 8250 7242 6234 5546 4584 4228
5 11845 9270 8137 7004 6232 5150 4750
Size Type Recommended  Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded Dimension Static Loaded Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index / Speed Symbol Inflation
Recommended Load, kgs.
Speed, km/h
Field operation Road Operation; Not high and Sustained Torque
SW OD High Torque Low Torque
mm mm mm mm Bar 10 10 Static 10 25 40 50 65
710/50R26.5 TL AG 24.00   720 1380 628 4127 172D 1.6 4420 5170 8490 5540 4370 4040 3870 3690
2.2 5320 6230 10210 6660 5260 4860 4660 4440
2.8 6130 7170 11750 7670 6060 5600 5370 5110
3.4 6870 8030 13180 8600 6790 6270 6020 5730
4 7560 8830 14490 9450 7470 6900 6620 6300



Size Type Recommended  Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded Dimension Static Loaded Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index / Speed Symbol Inflation
Recommended Load, kgs.
Speed, km/h
Field operation Road Operation; Not high and Sustained Torque
SW OD High Torque Low Torque
mm mm mm mm Bar 10 10 Static 10 25 40 50 65
710/50R26.5 TL AG 24.00   720 1380 628 4127 180D 2.6 6540 7650 12560 8190 6470 5980 5730 5460
3.2 7390 8640 14170 9240 7300 6750 6470 6160
3.8 8170 9550 15660 10220 8070 7460 7150 6810
4.4 8900 10400 17070 11130 8790 8120 7790 7420
5 9590 11210 18400 12000 9480 8760 8400 8000
Size TYPE Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded dimension Loaded Static Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index Inflation Prassure Recommended load, kg 
Speed, km/h   
mm mm mm mm Speed bar Static 10 25 40 50 65 70
600/55R26.5 TL AG 20.00   614 1330 608 3978 166D 0.8 3900 3053 2679 2305 2051 1696 1543
1.2 4996 3912 3433 2954 2628 2173 1977
1.6 6215 4866 4270 3674 3269 2703 2460
2 7068 5534 4856 4179 3718 3074 2797
2.4 8165 6393 5610 4827 4294 3551 3231
2.8 9261 7251 6363 5475 4871 4028 3665
3.2 10115 7919 6950 5980 5320 4399 4003
3.6 11089 8683 7619 6556 5833 4823 4389
4 12186 9541 8373 7205 6409 5300 4823


Size TYPE Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded dimension Loaded Static Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index Inflation Prassure Recommended load, kg 
Speed, km/h   
mm mm mm mm Speed bar Static 10 25 40 50 65 70
600/55R26.5 TL AG 20.00   614 1330 608 3978 177D 0.8 4198 3285 2884 2482 2208 1825 1661
1.2 5373 4205 3691 3177 2827 2336 2126
1.6 6716 5256 4614 3971 3533 2920 2657
2 7556 5913 5190 4468 3975 3285 2989
2.4 8731 6833 5998 5163 4593 3796 3454
2.8 9906 7753 6805 5858 5211 4307 3919
3.2 10914 8541 7497 6453 5741 4745 4318
3.6 11921 9329 8189 7049 6271 5183 4717
4.0 13096 10249 8997 7744 6890 5694 5182
5.0 14775 11563 10150 8737 7773 6424 5846
6 16790 13140 11534 9928 8833 7300 6643
Size TYPE Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded dimension Loaded Static Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index Inflation Prassure Recommended load, kg 
Speed, km/h   
mm mm mm mm Speed bar Static 10 25 40 50 65 70
500/60R22.5 TL AG 16.00   503 1173 534 3508 156D/153E 0.8 2944 2304 2022 1741 1549 1280 1168
1.2 3772 2952 2591 2230 1984 1640 1497
1.6 4692 3672 3223 2774 2468 2040 1862
2 5336 4176 3666 3155 2807 2320 2117
2.4 6164 4824 4234 3645 3243 2680 2446
2.8 6992 5472 4803 4134 3678 3040 2774
3.2 7636 5976 5246 4515 4017 3320 3030
3.6 8372 6552 5751 4950 4404 3640 3322
4 9200 7200 6320 5440 4840 4000 3650
Size TYPE Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded dimension Loaded Static Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index Inflation Prassure Recommended load, kg 
Speed, km/h   
mm mm mm mm Speed bar Static 10 25 40 50 65 70
600/50R22.5 TL AG 20.00   615 1170 533 3499 163D/160E 0.8 3587 2808 2464 2121 1887 1560 1440
1.2 4596 3598 3158 2717 2417 1999 1845
1.6 5717 4476 3928 3380 3007 2486 2295
2 6501 5090 4467 3844 3419 2828 2610
2.4 7512 5879 5161 4442 3952 3266 3015
2.8 8522 6669 5850 5041 4479 3705 3420
3.2 9308 7285 6393 5500 4893 4046 3735
3.6 10201 7984 7009 6034 5372 4436 4095
4 11213 8775 7703 6630 5899 4875 4500


Size TYPE Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded dimension Loaded Static Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index Inflation Prassure Recommended load, kg 
Speed, km/h   
mm mm mm mm Speed bar Static 10 25 40 50 65 70
600/50R22.5 TL AG 20.00   615 1170 533 3499 162D/159E 0.8 3495 2736 2401 2066 1838 1520 1400
1.2 4478 3506 3077 2647 2355 1948 1794
1.6 5570 4361 3827 3293 2930 2423 2231
2 6334 4960 4352 3745 3332 2755 2538
2.4 7317 5729 5028 4326 3849 3183 2931
2.8 8300 6499 5703 4907 4366 3610 3325
3.2 9065 7097 6228 5359 4768 3943 3631
3.6 9939 7781 6829 5876 5227 4323 3981
4 10922 8551 7504 6457 5744 4750 4375
Size Type Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded dimension Loaded Static Radius Rolling  Circumference  Load Index Speed Infl. press. Recommended load, kg 
Speed, km/h   
mm mm mm mm bar Static 10 25 40 50 65 70
650/55R26.5 TL AG 20.00   645 1389 632 4154 178D 0.8 4313 3375 2963 2550 2269 1875 1706
1.2 5520 4320 3792 3264 2904 2400 2184
1.6 6900 5400 4740 4080 3630 3000 2730
2 7763 6075 5333 4590 4084 3375 3071
2.4 8970 7020 6162 5304 4719 3900 3549
2.8 10178 7965 6992 6018 5354 4425 4027
3.2 11213 8775 7703 6630 5899 4875 4436
3.6 12248 9585 8414 7242 6443 5325 4846
4.0 13455 10530 9243 7956 7079 5850 5324
5.0 15180 11880 10428 8976 7986 6600 6006
6 17250 13500 11850 10200 9075 7500 6825



Size Type Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded dimension Loaded Static Radius Rolling  Circumference  Load Index Speed Infl. press. Recommended load, kg 
Speed, km/h   
mm mm mm mm bar Static 10 25 40 50 65 70
650/55R26.5 TL AG 20.00   645 1389 632 4154 170D 0.8 4416 3456 3034 2611 2323 1920 1747
1.2 5658 4428 3887 3346 2977 2460 2239
1.6 7038 5508 4835 4162 3703 3060 2785
2 8004 6264 5498 4733 4211 3480 3167
2.4 9246 7236 6352 5467 4864 4020 3658
2.8 10488 8208 7205 6202 5518 4560 4150
3.2 11454 8964 7868 6773 6026 4980 4532
3.6 12558 9828 8627 7426 6607 5460 4969
4 13800 10800 9480 8160 7260 6000 5460
Size Type Recommended  Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded Dimension Static Loaded Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index / Speed Symbol Inflation
Recommended Load, kgs.
Speed, km/h
Field operation Road Operation; Not high and Sustained Torque
SW OD High Torque Low Torque
mm mm mm mm Bar 10 10 Static 10 25 40 50 65
750/60R30.5 TL AG 24.00   755 1684 762 5037 181D 1.6 5960 6980 11430 7460 5890 5440 5220 4970
2.2 7180 8410 13780 8990 7100 6560 6290 5990
2.8 8270 9680 15870 10350 8180 7560 7250 6900
3.4 9270 10840 17780 11600 9160 8460 8120 7730
4 10190 11920 19550 12750 10070 9310 8930 8500
Size Type Recommended  Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded Dimension Static Loaded Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index / Speed Symbol Inflation
Recommended Load, kgs.
Speed, km/h
Field operation Road Operation; Not high and Sustained Torque
SW OD High Torque Low Torque
mm mm mm mm Bar 10 10 Static 10 25 40 50 65
800/60R32 TL DW27A   805 1800 814 5383 186D 1.6 6670 7790 12790 8340 6590 6090 5840 5560
2.2 8030 9380 15410 10050 7940 7340 7040 6700
2.8 9250 10800 17730 11570 9140 8440 8100 7710
3.4 10360 12100 19870 12960 10240 9460 9070 8640
4 11390 13310 21850 14250 11260 10400 9980 9500
Size TYPE Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded dimension Loaded Static Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index Inflation Prassure Recommended load, kg 
Speed, km/h   
mm mm mm mm Speed bar Static 10 25 40 50 65 70
580/65R22.5 TL AG 16.00   557 1326 597 3966 167D/164E 0.8 4011 3139 2756 2372 2110 1744 1600
1.2 5139 4022 3531 3039 2704 2235 2050
1.6 6393 5003 4392 3780 3363 2780 2550
2 7270 5690 4994 4299 3825 3161 2900
2.4 8398 6573 5769 4966 4418 3652 3350
2.8 9527 7456 6544 5633 5012 4142 3800
3.2 10404 8142 7147 6152 5473 4524 4150
3.6 11407 8927 7836 6745 6001 4960 4550
4 12535 9810 8611 7412 6595 5450 5000
Size Type Recommended  Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded Dimension Static Loaded Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index / Speed Symbol Inflation
Recommended Load, kgs.
Speed, km/h
Field operation Road Operation; Not high and Sustained Torque
SW OD High Torque Low Torque
mm mm mm mm Bar 10 10 Static 10 25 40 50 65
620/40R22.5 TL AG 20.00   625 1068 491 3194 155D 1.6 2810 3280 5380 3510 2770 2560 2460 2340
2.2 3380 3950 6490 4230 3340 3090 2960 2820
2.8 3890 4550 7480 4880 3850 3560 3410 3250
3.4 4360 5100 8370 5460 4310 3990 3820 3640
4 4800 5610 9200 6000 4740 4380 4200 4000
Size Type Recommended  Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded Dimension Static Loaded Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index / Speed Symbol Inflation
Recommended Load, kgs.
Speed, km/h
Field operation Road Operation; Not high and Sustained Torque
SW OD High Torque Low Torque
mm mm mm mm Bar 10 10 Static 10 25 40 50 65
710/45R22.5 TL AG 24.00   727 1212 550 3625 165D 1.6 3710 4350 7130 4650 3670 3390 3260 3100
2.2 4470 5240 8580 5600 4420 4080 3920 3730
2.8 5150 6030 9890 6450 5100 4710 4520 4300
3.4 5770 6750 11090 7230 5710 5280 5060 4820
4 6350 7420 12190 7950 6280 5800 5570 5300
Size Type Recommended  Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded Dimension Static Loaded Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index / Speed Symbol Inflation
Recommended Load, kgs.
Speed, km/h
Field operation Road Operation; Not high and Sustained Torque
SW OD High Torque Low Torque
mm mm mm mm Bar 10 10 Static 10 25 40 50 65
650/60R26.5 TL AG 20.00   660 1450 657 4337 173D 1.6 4570 5330 8760 5720 4510 4170 4000 3810
2.2 5500 6420 10560 6890 5440 5030 4820 4590
2.8 6330 7390 12140 7920 6260 5780 5540 5280
3.4 7090 8280 13590 8870 7000 6470 6210 5910
4 7800 9110 14950 9750 7700 7120 6830 6500
Size Type Recommended  Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded Dimension Static Loaded Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index / Speed Symbol Inflation
Recommended Load, kgs.
Speed, km/h
Field operation Road Operation; Not high and Sustained Torque
SW OD High Torque Low Torque
mm mm mm mm Bar 10 10 Static 10 25 40 50 65
650/65R30.5 TL AG 20.00   645 1621 736 4848 176D 1.6 4980 5830 9570 6240 4930 4560 4370 4160
2.2 6000 7020 11520 7520 5940 5490 5260 5010
2.8 6910 8080 13270 8660 6840 6320 6060 5770
3.4 7740 9050 14860 9690 7660 7070 6780 6460
4 8510 9950 16330 10650 8410 7770 7460 7100



Size Type Recommended  Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded Dimension Static Loaded Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index / Speed Symbol Inflation
Recommended Load, kgs.
Speed, km/h
Field operation Road Operation; Not high and Sustained Torque
SW OD High Torque Low Torque
mm mm mm mm Bar 10 10 Static 10 25 40 50 65
650/65R30.5 TL AG 20.00   645 1621 736 4848 181D 2.8 6340 7400 12140 7920 6260 5780 5540 5280
3.6 7340 8570 14080 9180 7250 6700 6430 6120
4.4 8250 9640 15820 10320 8150 7530 7220 6880
5.2 9100 10630 17460 11390 8990 8310 7970 7590
6 9890 11560 18980 12380 9780 9030 8660 8250
Size Type Recommended  Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded Dimension Static Loaded Radius Rolling Circumference Load Index / Speed Symbol Inflation
Recommended Load, kgs.
Speed, km/h
Field operation Road Operation; Not high and Sustained Torque
SW OD High Torque Low Torque
mm mm mm mm Bar 10 10 Static 10 25 40 50 65
710/50R30.5 TL AG 24.00   720 1485 680 4441 173D 1.6 4570 5330 8760 5720 4510 4170 4000 3810
2.2 5500 6420 10560 6890 5440 5030 4820 4590
2.8 6330 7390 12140 7920 6260 5780 5540 5280
3.4 7090 8280 13590 8870 7000 6470 6210 5910
4 7800 9110 14950 9750 7700 7120 6830 6500